Tuesday, September 1, 2020

New Villa?

 We think we found a villa!

Nathan has now seen eleven houses out in town. Today, he saw one that knocked his socks off.

It's in a town called Viagrande which is about 30 minutes from base. The only hiccup with the place is that it has not been rented to Americans before, so we have to get it inspected and approved by the base housing office. We've heard this process can take about a week. Here are some pictures I grabbed from the internet ad for it. If we get it I will get some more. 

We are thrilled that it has six bedrooms, views of Mt. Etna and the Mediterranean (Nathan said you can see mainland Italy from the upper balcony!), a pool, and - best of all for anyone coming to visit - a guest apartment on the lower level that is huge with a full kitchen and bathroom! If we get this place we will hope to start filling that up with family and friends!

One thing we’re a little worried about is that there is no A/C, but we were told since it’s up the mountain it will stay cooler than down where the base is. Nathan was there at noon and said it didn’t feel too hot. 

Crossing our fingers that we get this place!