Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Our ROM quarantine ended yesterday, so we were so excited to get our freedom and be able to be out and about today.

The kids went to their first day of school. This year, we've got a kindergartner, second grader, and fourth grader at the elementary school and a sixth grader at the middle school. All the kids reported they had a great first day. After two weeks in a hotel, you've never met kids more excited for summer to end!

Nathan is still off work for house hunting and special liberty to get adjusted and settled in Italy, so we had the day together while the kids were at school.

We got to go see our potential house. It was just as beautiful as the photos. This is my favorite picture of it because it really is a great indoor/outdoor home.

It was so fun to finally be able to drive around in Sicily. 

We went to a cute town called Nicolosi to have lunch at a cafe. 

The cafe was called Dolce Vita - perfect name for how we felt today!


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