Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Getting Here

 Nathan left August 1st for Italy and spent two weeks in quarantine, what the Navy calls ROM (restriction of movement). His sponsor picked him up, dropped him off at the Navy Lodge, and got him set up with some groceries. Nathan spent his time reading and writing and only binged one show on Netflix. The Navy Lodge is a pretty nice hotel room and has a mini kitchen, too. 

Nathan got his freedom mid-August and has been borrowing a car from his sponsor to get around the island a little bit. He is loving Sicily so far!

After soaking in all that family time, the kids and I were ready to reunite with Nathan in Italy. After a loooong 20 hour plane ride with stops in Germany and Spain, we made it!

Here is a picture of about HALF our luggage!

Safety first!

Masks on the whole flight!

Nathan picked us up at the base airport at about midnight on the 24th.

Our quarantine hasn't been so bad. We've pretty much adjusted to the time change in our few days here. We've walked around the base a bit after the sun goes down and found ways to keep busy. We've written some letters, watched movies and played video games. 

We've also been reading a lot... (not always comics!)

Made some forts....

Wilson has lost two teeth (tooth fairly is scrounging for Euros!)...

Played many games of Skip Bo and Sushi Go....

And, most importantly, Nathan brought me my first bottle of Italian wine... it was only 1 Euro so I'll update you on how it is!

So far, quarantine hasn't been too bad. We're pretty relaxed and excited to be here. 

Nathan and I are going to start our Italian language course tonight!


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