Sunday, August 30, 2020

Finding a Villa

Before coming to Sigonella, we were told we would have to live in base housing. Base housing here is pretty nice, but also kind of small. We were told we would be given a four bedroom that is about 1500 square feet. Since we thought that was our only option, we downsized a lot and prepared our big family for some cozy living. Once we got here, though, we were told that all four bedrooms on base are full. They offered us an even smaller three bedroom until the four became available, or we could choose the opportunity to live out in town. Since we had such a great experience living out in town in Japan, Nathan and I were super excited to get the chance to do that again.

Since I'm still in quarantine, Nathan has taken the lead on looking at houses. There are a few websites we go through and pick the houses we'd like to see. Nathan is then taken to them by an agent or can meet an agent there to see the homes. I'm so jealous that he gets to do this and see the neighborhoods as well. 

Luckily, there are five buses that go out in town to pick up the American kids that live off base. Sigonella base isn't in an Italian town, so the choices of homes are anywhere from 10 to 50 minutes away. We use this bus route map to see what the potential towns are we could live in. 

There have been some really good options that Nathan has gone to see. He makes a video tour of each house to show me and the kids. So far, he's seen some houses that are big (3,600 sqft!), some that have a pool, some in nice neighborhoods, some with a separate in-law unit (yay for visitors!), and some with great yards. We have yet to find a house that has a few of those things happening together, so the search continues. 

Some interesting things about Italian houses we have learned are that most have all tile flooring throughout, most have two kitchens with one in the basement, not many have closets in any bedrooms, and bike and kid friendly neighborhoods with parks are rare. We've also learned that there are different names for the type of housing. Apartment and duplex mean the same things as in the States, but house means that it is large but attached to another house. A stand alone house in Italy is called a villa. So, our goal is to find a nice villa to call home for the next three years. 

Here are a few of the different places we have looked at. 

Here is a waterfront apartment with GREAT views! It is only three bedrooms though so we think our family is a bit big for it. We could just all huddle on the patio and look at the water for three years, right?!?

This home is in a touristy town and has a pool!

This home is down south where there is not much around it, but pretty much looks like you're at a resort. We haven't seen it because the owner is waiting to rent it to see if a million euro sale comes through... good luck with that?

This home looks like a dreamy Italian villa. Nathan will go see it next week. I'm rooting for it!

I was going to add a sample of a video tour Nathan does for each home, but the file was too large. I'll look into how to get a video on here and try it again. The videos really do help me to not feel so left out of the house hunt!

Hopefully we find a great home soon - I'll update the blog if we do. Until then, it's Navy Lodge living for us!


Friday, August 28, 2020

Around the Base

 Sigonella Naval Air Station has three bases that they call the triangle. Each base is about a ten minute drive from one another. One of the bases has the air strip where we flew in and a tiny mental health office. This is where Nathan will be working. Another base is Maranai where all the housing is. The third base is where we're staying at that Navy Lodge. This base is really nice and has many amenities. There is a commissary for groceries and a NEX that is like a small Target. Here are some pictures of a few other buildings on base.


Swimming Pool


The base school for the kids has great reviews. The youngest three will be in kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades at the elementary school. Wilson will start at the middle school. The school told us there are four kindergarten classes with about 14 kids per class and three classes in the rest of the grades with about 17 kids in a class. Those sound like small class sizes to me, which is great since there will be some social distancing measures in place. The school here is opening full time from the beginning of the year.

Here is the kindergarten playground.

Walking around the base.

We found a small Italian car. Archie is happy he is as tall as a car!

There are a few playgrounds around the base.

Overall, we love the style of the base. Seems like it will be a great place for the next three years!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Getting Here

 Nathan left August 1st for Italy and spent two weeks in quarantine, what the Navy calls ROM (restriction of movement). His sponsor picked him up, dropped him off at the Navy Lodge, and got him set up with some groceries. Nathan spent his time reading and writing and only binged one show on Netflix. The Navy Lodge is a pretty nice hotel room and has a mini kitchen, too. 

Nathan got his freedom mid-August and has been borrowing a car from his sponsor to get around the island a little bit. He is loving Sicily so far!

After soaking in all that family time, the kids and I were ready to reunite with Nathan in Italy. After a loooong 20 hour plane ride with stops in Germany and Spain, we made it!

Here is a picture of about HALF our luggage!

Safety first!

Masks on the whole flight!

Nathan picked us up at the base airport at about midnight on the 24th.

Our quarantine hasn't been so bad. We've pretty much adjusted to the time change in our few days here. We've walked around the base a bit after the sun goes down and found ways to keep busy. We've written some letters, watched movies and played video games. 

We've also been reading a lot... (not always comics!)

Made some forts....

Wilson has lost two teeth (tooth fairly is scrounging for Euros!)...

Played many games of Skip Bo and Sushi Go....

And, most importantly, Nathan brought me my first bottle of Italian wine... it was only 1 Euro so I'll update you on how it is!

So far, quarantine hasn't been too bad. We're pretty relaxed and excited to be here. 

Nathan and I are going to start our Italian language course tonight!

Monday, August 24, 2020

August on the East Coast

 While Nathan was spending his quarantine alone in Italy, the kids and I headed to the east coast to say goodbye to the Corley side of the family. With Covid19 still around, we're not sure when anyone will be able to travel to see us in Italy so we wanted to get in some quality time before we left the States.

We spent ten great (and hot!) days in Florida with my parents. 

We spent a fun week in and around Baltimore with Clifford, Hilary, and baby Max.

We snuck in a quick trip to Chad and Josie's place in Virginia. 

We finished up the east coast trip on the Delaware shore for a week of beach fun with Amy, Kevin, Wally, Charlotte, and Julia.

A lot of fun spending August with family... everyone promised a visit as soon as Americans are allowed to travel again!