Friday, July 24, 2020

Leaving Washington

We are currently getting ready to leave Washington after five wonderful years here. We have loved living in this state and have decided we will definitely be back.

It's been great to live someplace for five years since we're so used to moving every three years - 
or less!

Our kids have really grown up here. Ivy was only five months old when we left Japan - her first and only move so far! When we got here in 2015, our kids were so little....

Now, they're all older and taller - I've still got a half inch on Wilson in case anyone else is worried about that :)

Since moving to Washington we have become avid hikers... rain or shine or MORE rain, we aways get out to see the beautiful nature here!

There have been some beautiful sunny days here, but we're certainly looking forward to more sunshine in "Sunny Sigonella."

These last few months in Washington have been filled with so much to do in preparation...

...we sold our house...

...we applied for more passports and visas than any human should have...

...we shipped one car off to storage for three years and another car to Italy (we won't see the van for about three months!)...

....we downsized. We held our first (and probably only!) garage sale ever, made about ten trips to Goodwill, a few trips to the dump, and put half of the rest of our belongings in storage for the three years we'll be gone...

...and, we partied with the friends we've made in our time here.

Teaching Friends


Neighborhood Friends


We love just about everything in Washington and have had a great five years here. 
It really is bittersweet to be leaving.